Weight loss tips

Weight loss tips
Weight loss tips

zondag 13 januari 2013

Why Doesn't My Diet Work?

So you started a diet a couple weeks ago. You got super excited because you lost 5 or so pounds in a couple weeks. You started to see light at the end of the overweight tunnel. Then all of a sudden the light goes out. Your diet stopped working! You haven't lost anymore weight and it's been over two weeks. You've stuck to it 100% and its still not working. Why isn't it working?

Broken Dieting

Your diet isn't working because odds are its one of those crazy fad diets. They usually help you lose that first easy initial weight but most of that is water weight. You're not losing weight but because your not learning how to lose weight. Avoiding carbs or only drinking smoothies will only help you lose weight if you're eating less. You need to actually burn more calories than you consume in order to lose weight. But by eating only certain foods you're limiting your body to its vital nutrients.

Learn the healthy foods from the bad

You need to learn what foods are healthy and whats low in calories. Try to find a range of calories to stick around for each day and don't go over that limit. Then start adding exercise. Do not starve yourself. You'll hurt your body and eventually you'll relapse. Learn a healthy amount of food for your life style and your ideal body weight. This takes time and effort but it's worth it because it keeps you at your targeted weight. Find averages online for your gender, height, and activity level. Most people consume around 2,000 calories a day but if you're only five feet tall and work in an office you might want to consider eating less and exercising more to make up for the amount of sitting at the office. Try to get an idea of how many calories you consume on a daily basis before you started trying to lose weight. Then compare it to the averages you find online for your ideal weight (using your height and gender like mentioned earlier). See how many calories you need to eliminate and determine where you can lose them. For most people it's probably at night. A lot of overweight people tend to eat too much at night, whether it's because you're bored or out of anxiety.

Exercise to Lose Weight

You can also use calorie burning calculators to see how many calories you're burning for the exercises you do. Consider this when determining how your ideal calorie consumption range on a daily basis. Don't forget to use your common sense. It's very easy to get caught up in counting calories but you want more of a general idea that narrowing it down to a single digit. Otherwise you'll drive yourself crazy! Remember you need to actually learn how to lose weight before you can actually do it! Don't trust those crazy diets.

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